Analysis of negative effects on social media

Wei, Ru. “Analysis of negative effects on social media”. School of Management Science,                                                                                                                         Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan. 

              In this article, an associate professor who has a PhD in Management Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology of China discusses the negative impact of social media, in order to provide a useful reference for social media platforms to reduce the scope of negative impact, and for public institutions to formulate social media management solutions. In the article on page 179 paragraph 2 it states, “overuse of social media may cause psychological distress and self-concept objectification. Controlled by for-profit company, social media’s initial mission to addict users to earn profits, which may bring severe psychological problems.”Companies use strategies to get users addicted to social media, which leads to people developing mental issues. In the article on page 179 paragraph 2 it also states, “not only decrease empathy, but also increase a sense of isolation and the risk of later depression, even strengthen suicide ideation”. Social media has really bad negative effects on people including mental health problems such as; mood swings, depression, isolation, suicide thoughts.   

Euthanasia Spreads in Europe by Wesley J. Smith

Smith, Wesley J. “Euthanasia Spreads in Europe.” National Review, 26 October 2011.

In this article by Wesley J. Smith, a lawyer and an award-winning author who is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institutes Center on Human Exceptionalism and is also a consultant to the Patient’s rights Council, talks about how allowing assisted suicides for patients suffering for psychiatric disorders is wrong and should not be allowed. He goes on to explain how we shouldn’t be supporting suicide but trying our best to stop it. Smith brings to light how at one point in time we stopped trying to keep people alive even though it could be a long and difficult process and started agreeing that dying would a much easier way out even though that is the exact thought process we are trying to avoid. This article will help for the opposing paragraph in my final paper.

The assisted-suicide movement has eroded society’s commitment to suicide prevention. It has created an atmosphere where many people now see ‘dead’ as better than ‘dying’ and suicide as a valid remedy” (Smith)

– “This is cause for great worry, for, once a society embraces doctor prescribed death as an acceptable answer to human suffering or as some kind of fundamental liberty right, there are no brakes” (Smith)

When Death Is Sought: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the Medical Context by New York State

New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. “The Epidemiology of Suicide” When Death Is Sought: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the Medical Context, New York State, April 2011, pp. 11.

In this book by the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, chapter one talks about what it means to be suicidal and the thought process behind it. Suicide is the eighth leading causa of death in the U.S. Suicide is not the result of a little problem or a crisis someone is going through. Personal characteristics are associated with a higher risk of committing suicide. Society has tried its best to prevent suicide and has even seen attempts as a cry for help or the need for psychiatric treatment. Because of this the thought of patients being allowed to go through with assisted suicides seems wrong and seems to challenge the belief that suicide should be prevented. This book chapter goes into detail about suicide and how assisted suicides challenge society’s beliefs and norms, and this is information that will be very helpful for me in my final essay.

– “The common stimulus to suicide is intolerable psychological pain.  Suicide represents an escape or release from that pain” (New York State 11)

– “Studies that examine the psychological background of individuals who kill themselves show that 95 percent have a diagnosable mental disorder at the time of death.  Depression, accompanied by symptoms of hopelessness and helplessness, is the most prevalent condition among individuals who commit suicide” (New York State 11)