Analysis of negative effects on social media

Wei, Ru. “Analysis of negative effects on social media”. School of Management Science,                                                                                                                         Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan. 

              In this article, an associate professor who has a PhD in Management Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology of China discusses the negative impact of social media, in order to provide a useful reference for social media platforms to reduce the scope of negative impact, and for public institutions to formulate social media management solutions. In the article on page 179 paragraph 2 it states, “overuse of social media may cause psychological distress and self-concept objectification. Controlled by for-profit company, social media’s initial mission to addict users to earn profits, which may bring severe psychological problems.”Companies use strategies to get users addicted to social media, which leads to people developing mental issues. In the article on page 179 paragraph 2 it also states, “not only decrease empathy, but also increase a sense of isolation and the risk of later depression, even strengthen suicide ideation”. Social media has really bad negative effects on people including mental health problems such as; mood swings, depression, isolation, suicide thoughts.   

Associations Between Time Spent Using Social Media and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among US Youth

Riehm, Kira E. “Associations Between Time Spent Using Social Media and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among US Youth”. Department of Mental Health, Bloomberg    School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 624 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD,14 June, 2019.

           In this research article, epidemiologist with expertise in quantitative science, mental health, and substance use. Who studied in McGill University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Columbia University and currently works as the Clinical Research Lead at Eleanor Health discusses if time spent using social media is associated with mental health problems among adolescents. Even after controlling for the history of mental health issues in this cohort study of 6595 US adolescents, more time spent on social media per day was prospectively linked to higher odds of reporting high levels of internalizing and comorbid internalizing and externalizing difficulties. In the text it states, “ Adolescents who spend more than 3 hours per day using social media may be at heightened risk for mental health problems, particularly internalizing problems. “ This proves that social media has a risk of causing mental health problems in teenagers. In the text it also states,” concerns are increasingly raised about potential harms of social media use.One-quarter of adolescents think social media has a mostly negative influence on people their age, pointing to reasons like rumor spreading, lack of in-person contact, unrealistic views of others’ lives, peer pressure, and mental health issues.” Kira believes that social media has a negative effect on adolescents which include rumor spreading, lack of in-person contact, unrealistic views of others’ lives, peer pressure, and mental health issues.

The Impact of Stress on Students in Secondary School and Higher Education by Michaela Pascoe

Pascoe, Michaela C. “The Impact of Stress on Students in Secondary School and Higher Education.” The Impact of Stress on Students in Secondary School and Higher Education. 

Michaela Pascoe who is a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Health and Sport at Victoria University. Her research expertise is in mental health, mindfulness, physical activity, stress, and science communication. She explains the factors that lead to academic stress; however, she also discusses how a student can lead to academic performance. She creates an interesting review of studies that were published between 2008 and 2018. The study showed that earlier stimulus, time management skills are important to know about to have good academic performance. This information is very useful because many universities and educators can use this information to develop techniques that will hopefully improve a students’ academic performance. Finally, this information can also be used to find out if students are at a risk of academic failure and poor mental/physical health. 

  1. “Academic-related stress can reduce academic achievement, decrease motivation, and increase the risk of school dropout”
  2.  “School dropout is associated with a lifelong reduction in earning capacity and secure employment”.