Polish Court Convicts Activist for Helping Woman Get Abortion Pills By Betsy Reed

Reed, Betsy. “Polish Court Convicts Activist for Helping Woman Get Abortion Pills.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 14 Mar. 2023. 

Betsy Reed is an American journalist and editor. In July 2022, she was named the editor-in-chief of Guardian US. In “Polish Court Convicts Activist for Helping Woman Get Abortion Pills” by Betsy Reed reports on the conviction of a Polish women’s rights advocate who assisted a lady in getting abortion drugs. The article explains the case’s history, which encompasses Poland’s severe abortion regulations, as well as the accusations made against the activist. The author explores the legal defenses put forth by either side of the dispute as well as the larger backdrop of reproductive rights in Poland, where abortion is only permitted in situations involving rape, incest, fetal abnormalities, or a threat to the mother’s life. The article also discusses the case’s political ramifications, which have been viewed as a test of Poland’s current conservative government’s tolerance for political opposition. This newspaper is helpful towards pro-abortion because it focuses on the difficulties activists facing in a hostile political and legal context as they struggle for reproductive rights.

  1. “We are strong, and together we are even stronger,” ADT wrote in a public statement. “We will never stop supporting each other and we won’t stop helping with abortions.” (Reed)
  2. “Today’s conviction marks a depressing low in the repression of reproductive rights in Poland, a rollback for which women and girls – and those who defend their rights – are paying a high price.” (Reed)

“Is the war on drugs succeeding?” by London R

London, R. “Is the war on drugs succeeding?”. Harvard Law School. 1, Jul. 2005, https://hls.harvard.edu/today/war-drugs-succeeding/

The article discusses how the War on Drugs policy has led to an increase in drug-related arrests and imprisonment but has failed to address the

underlying causes of drug use and addiction. The article highlights the negative impact of the War on Drugs policy on communities of color,

who have been disproportionately affected by the policy. The article also explores the economic costs of the War on Drugs policy, including the

burden on law enforcement and the costs associated with imprisonment. The article argues that the War on Drugs policy is ineffective and

unsustainable and calls for a shift towards a public health approach to drug use and addiction.

  1. “But it’s simply a long and difficult process because there are some people who believe that it’s just morally wrong. Forget whether the war on drugs is actually effective or not; they would say that it’s morally wrong to legalize drugs that are currently illegal” (London, 2005).
  2. “The problem of substance abuse is more a public health problem than a criminal justice problem” (Nadelmann as stated by London, 2005).