Academic Stress and Mental Well-Being in College Students: Correlations, Affected Groups, and COVID-19 by Georgia Barbayannis, Mahindra Bandari, Xiang Zheng, Humberto Bacquerizo, Keith w. pecor and Xue Ming

Barbayannis, Georgia, Mahindra Bandari, Xiang Zheng, Humberto Baquerizo, Keith W Pecor, and Xue Ming. “Academic Stress and Mental Well-being in College Students: Correlations, Affected Groups, and Covid-19.” Frontiers in Psychology. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 May 2022. 

  Each Author works in the Department of neurology in New Jersey, and all discuss how academic stress is present among college students. They think that there is a big correlation between academic stress and mental well-being in college students. Many factors are examined that create academic stress, one being financially but they also look at the impact of the COVID-19 and try to examine the academic stress it caused in which it did cause much more stress and mental health worries. This is very important to know about because realizing the impact of academic stress during pandemic and then addressing it to colleges and universities might just solve the ongoing issue. 

  1. “The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic is a major stressor that has led to a mental health crisis”
  2. “Second, to identify groups that could experience differential levels of academic stress and mental health. Third, to explore how the perception of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic affected stress levels. We hypothesized that students who experienced more academic stress would have worse psychological well-being and that certain groups of students would be more impacted by academic- and COVID-19-related stress.”

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