Social Consequences of the War on Drugs: The Legacy of Failed Policy by Eric L Jensen, et al.

Jensen, Eric L, et al. “Social Consequences of the War on Drugs: The Legacy of Failed Policy.”

Social Consequences of the War on Drugs: The Legacy of Failed Policy, U.S Department

of Justice, Mar. 2004,

The article “Social Consequences of the War on Drugs: The Legacy of Failed Policy” explores the negative impact of the War on Drugs policy in

the United States. The article was published by the U.S Department of Justice in 2004 and presents an overview of the consequences of the War

on Drugs policy on individuals, families, and communities. The War on Drugs policy has led to an increase in incarceration rates and a

disproportionate impact on communities of color. The article also explores the economic costs of the War on Drugs policy, including the burden

on law enforcement and the costs associated with imprisonment.

  1. “Funds spent on prison-building have diverted resources from education and social programs, such that citizens are less able to compete in an increasingly competitive marketplace, as skills are less and employment opportunities become limited” (Jensen et al, 2004).
  2. “The War on Drugs has had a profound negative impact on the lives of millions of Americans. It has severely damaged the relationship between communities and the police and eroded trust in government institutions. It has resulted in mass incarceration, with people of color bearing the brunt of the punishment. It has also diverted resources away from treatment and prevention programs, exacerbating the health and social consequences of drug use. And despite decades of aggressive law enforcement efforts, drug use and drug-related crime remain major problems in our society” (Jensen et al, 2004).

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