Inside the Islamic Republic by Mahmood Monshipouri

Monshipouri, Mahmood. Inside the Islamic Republic. Google Books, Oxford University Press,  

15 Dec 2015

Mahmood Monshipouri is an Iranian-Born author and educator. He teaches international relations as a professor at San Francisco University. His book, “Inside the Islamic Republic,” discusses Iran after the 1979 Revolution in the new Islamic government. Mainly, he states and analyzes the major changes in Iran’s post-revolution, and how it has led to dramatic shifts within the society. Monshipouri also makes arguments that changes during post-revolution Iran have been deleterious on many occasions. This article is useful as it can provide a more broad context of Iran’s background, which will first generate an understanding that will eventually lead to the conflict surrounding women through the use of other sources. It is important for this source to be used in the beginning of my essay for context.

  • 1 -“It is worth noting that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini depicted the 1979 Revolution as an Islamic rather than an exceptionally Iranian one, conferring further legitimacy on it as an anti-imperialist and anti-West movement capable of spreading. Both symbolically and substantively, this moved fueled pan-Islamism throughout the region and led to an increased disdain toward foreign influence” (Monshipouri 2).
  • 2 -“More broadly, these factors have led to cumulative uncertainties and policy failures in the wake of the dramatic socioeconomic, cultural, and political changes that the country has recently undergone, making it increasingly imperative to define and understand the broader contours of social and cultural change in Iran” (Monshipouri 2).