Torres, Lopez Frias, F. J., & Patiño, M. J. M. (2022). Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 16(1), 33–49.
- The article titled “Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport” explores the inclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sports from an embodied perspective. The authors argue that current discussions around the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports have mainly focused on physiological differences and advantages, while neglecting the significance of embodied experience. The article highlights the importance of recognizing the embodied experiences of transgender athletes, which can significantly affect their athletic performance. The authors suggest that including the perspectives and experiences of transgender athletes in discussions about sports policies and regulations can lead to more inclusive and fair policies. The authors also propose a framework that considers physiological and embodied factors in including transgender athletes in sports. This approach takes into account the complexity of human embodiment and recognizes the role of social, cultural, and environmental factors in shaping athletes’ embodied experiences and performance. Overall, this article provides a thought-provoking analysis of the inclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sports and highlights the importance of considering embodied experiences in these discussions.
- The article is published in a reputable academic journal and includes a framework for considering the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports. It offers a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussions around the topic, making it a credible and useful source for researchers, policymakers, and those interested in the subject.
“Transgender athletes’ embodied experiences suggest that physiological differences are not the only factors that need to be considered when developing sports policies, as the interactions between the body, identity, and social context are critical in shaping the athletic performance of transgender athletes.”
“By recognizing the role of social, cultural, and environmental factors in shaping athletes’ embodied experiences and performance, our proposed framework aims to move beyond reductionist understandings of the body and enhance the inclusiveness of sports policies.”