our future currency?

Michael, & Paul. The truth machine. The blockchain and the future of everything. St. Martin’s Press, 2018

A thorough examination of blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize sectors outside of banking may be found in “The Truth Machine” by Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna. The authors contend that the blockchain may offer trust and security across a variety of industries, including healthcare, supply chain management, and government services, as a decentralized and transparent ledger. The book covers a wide range of blockchain-related subjects, including its background, practical applications, and societal ramifications. Famous journalists and authors who have written extensively about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology include Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna. In addition, they have reported for well-known media publications including the Wall Street Journal and have spoken with other business gurus. This can also help expand the ideas of blockchains.

  1. “Blockchain technology has the potential to decentralize power and create a more equitable society.”
  2. “Blockchain technology is not just a new way of doing business, but a new way of organizing society.”

our future currency?

Drescher, Daniel. Blockchain basics. A non-technical introduction in 25 steps, 2015.

            Daniel Drescher’s book “Blockchain Fundamentals” offers a thorough introduction to blockchain technology and its possible effects on our economy. The author makes the case that the blockchain technology that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin has the power to revolutionize a variety of sectors and usher in new business models. Cryptography, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and consensus methods are just a few of the many subjects covered in the book that are connected to blockchain technology. An acknowledged authority in blockchain technology, Daniel Drescher has published several books and scholarly articles on the subject. Moreover, he has given several lectures and workshops on blockchain technology to corporations and governments. This book can help explain the basics of blockchains and its potential impacts on the economy.

  1. “Blockchain technology is a new way of organizing data that eliminates the need for a trusted intermediary to verify transactions.”
  2. “Blockchain technology has the potential to create new business models that were not previously possible.”