our future currency?

Ammous, Saifedean. The Bitcoin Standard. The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, 2018.

            In this book, Saifedean Ammous makes the case that Bitcoin represents a fundamental shift in how money is produced and utilized, not merely a new type of digital cash. He shows why Bitcoin is a better form of money than conventional fiat currencies because to its decentralized architecture, fixed quantity, and incorruptible ledger technology. He contends that Bitcoin can fundamentally alter how we keep and transfer value because, in contrast to fiat currencies, it cannot be manipulated by governments or central banks to further political goals. Saifedean Ammous holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development from Columbia University and works as an economist and professor of economics at the Lebanese American University. He has written academic articles on matters pertaining to monetary economics, and several professionals in the area have given his book favorable reviews. I can use this source to support my thesis and provide strong reasons on future crypto and its benefits in my second body paragraph.

  1. “Bitcoin is the hardest money ever created: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, capable of replacing central banks as monetary regulators, and serving as a nonpolitical alternative to fiat currency.”
  2. “Bitcoin offers a unique solution to a problem that has plagued humans for centuries: how to ensure that money maintains its value over time.”