Clare, Rod. Black Lives Matter The Black Lives Matter Movement in the National Museum of African American History and Culture. (2016) (Vol. 6, Issue 1)

This Article Talks about the History of the Black Lives Matter movement and how it’s really historical and brings awareness to the world. To build a society that respects and cherishes the lives of Black people, it is essential that people are aware of the Black Lives Matter movement. People need to be aware of the history of systematic racism and oppression that produced the current racial injustice and inequality.

  1. “The fact that the BLM movement is so new gives rise to concerns that the museum is collecting material that is too recent, topical, and potentially controversial. Nevertheless, as the director of the NMAAHC, Lonnie Bunch has made clear, collecting and promoting such material helps “people to realize… that these are not isolated moments”. (Rod)
  2. “BLM’s direct genesis came as a result of the not-guilty verdict against George Zimmerman, who stalked and killed Trayvon Martin, a seventeen-year-old black youth who Zimmerman thought was in the wrong part of town in Sanford, Florida. Three black women (Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi), all activists in the African-American community, viewed the verdict with shock, anger, and an underlying belief that something had to be done”. (Rod)

Patterson, Robert J. Between Protest and Politics: Black Lives Matter Movements for Black Lives Matter.

The author Robert J. explains the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement and how ​​it is significant because it works to draw attention to the systematic racism and brutality that Black people experience on a daily basis and to demand that those responsible for that violence be held accountable. There were also many goals that the movement achieved and everyone in the world saw the outstanding change they were doing in the community. The world has been motivated by the effort to unite and promote racial fairness and equality. It has also sparked significant debates and modifications to laws and policies.

  1. “Most movements as we know them (historically and through historiography) have evolved since they began. The history of BLM is yet forming; its fullness, complexity, and nuance have yet to be fully written. That the Black Lives Matter slogan entered the sociopolitical cultural milieu in August 2014 by way of a Twitter hashtag bears consideration here too”(Patterson).
  2. “BLM affirms the humanity and value inherent in black life through its consciousness-raising and, like the Black Panther Party’s ten-point program, outlines specific areas for intervention, including housing (tenant organizations), education (free lunch and literacy programs), and healthcare (mobile clinics for black people) (Elder 2016)”(Patterson).

Steven. “Introduction to Cryptocurrency.” CryptoCurrency Facts, 13 Jan. 2022,

A website called “CryptoCurrency Facts” offers informational materials and instructions on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The website discusses a variety of cryptocurrency-related subjects, including mining, trading, wallets, and taxation. Cryptocurrencies, according to the author, have the potential to disrupt the banking sector by delivering quicker, less expensive, and more secure payment methods. In the area of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, Steven Buchko has years of writing and research expertise. He has written a lot of pieces on it, and publications like Forbes and The Wall Street Journal have referenced him. I will use this to close out my essay and present the benefits again one last time to show how strongly I believe in my argument.

  1. “Cryptocurrencies have the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems by providing faster, cheaper, and more secure payment systems.”
  2. “Blockchain technology enables us to create trust and transparency in a decentralized system.”
  3. “Cryptocurrencies are not just an investment opportunity, but a new way of thinking about value and ownership.”

Ross, Elanor. “Why cryptocurrencies could be the future of the global economy.” The Guardian, (2021, January 25)

            In this digital newspaper, Eleanor Ross makes the case that by offering safe, decentralized, and effective payment methods, cryptocurrencies could drastically alter the state of the world economy. She draws attention to the benefits of cryptocurrencies over conventional payment methods, including reduced transaction costs, quicker settlement times, and higher transparency. Ross also points out that other central banks are considering issuing their own digital currencies, which might hasten the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Reputable news source The Guardian has received multiple honors for its reporting, including the Pulitzer Prize. The International Monetary Fund and the Bank of England are two reliable sources that are cited in the well-researched text. I will use this piece to explain the advantages and the overcoming challenges of crypto.

  1. “Cryptocurrencies are faster, cheaper, and more secure than traditional payment systems.”
  2. “Central banks are exploring the possibility of launching their own digital currencies, which could transform the global financial system.”
  3. “The rise of cryptocurrencies could lead to a more decentralized and democratic economy, with greater financial inclusion for all.”

Tasca, Paolo, et al. “Cryptocurrencies: A Viable Alternative to Fiat Money?.” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018.

            The essay looks at whether cryptocurrencies might replace fiat money in the future. The authors contend that compared to conventional banking systems, cryptocurrencies have the potential to offer transactions that are less expensive, quicker, and more secure. They also talk about how cryptocurrencies could help with financial inclusion and systemic risk reduction. The authors admit that cryptocurrencies confront tough problems such network security, scalability, and regulatory difficulties. High-quality economics research is published in the peer-reviewed academic publication Journal of Economic Perspectives. The article’s writers are renowned experts in the fields of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and their ideas are solidly backed up by facts and figures.

  1. “Crypto-assets can be seen as a new type of financial technology, which allows the creation and transfer of digital assets based on cryptographic protocols without the need for intermediaries.”
  2. “The flexibility and adaptability of the technology behind crypto-assets is a significant advantage that makes them potentially suitable for a wide range of applications, from micropayments to supply chain management.”
  3. “The vision of a decentralized, peer-to-peer payment system that bypasses traditional intermediaries and governments has captivated many who see in it a solution to the perceived ills of the financial system.”

our future currency?

Michael, & Paul. The truth machine. The blockchain and the future of everything. St. Martin’s Press, 2018

A thorough examination of blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize sectors outside of banking may be found in “The Truth Machine” by Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna. The authors contend that the blockchain may offer trust and security across a variety of industries, including healthcare, supply chain management, and government services, as a decentralized and transparent ledger. The book covers a wide range of blockchain-related subjects, including its background, practical applications, and societal ramifications. Famous journalists and authors who have written extensively about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology include Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna. In addition, they have reported for well-known media publications including the Wall Street Journal and have spoken with other business gurus. This can also help expand the ideas of blockchains.

  1. “Blockchain technology has the potential to decentralize power and create a more equitable society.”
  2. “Blockchain technology is not just a new way of doing business, but a new way of organizing society.”

our future currency?

Drescher, Daniel. Blockchain basics. A non-technical introduction in 25 steps, 2015.

            Daniel Drescher’s book “Blockchain Fundamentals” offers a thorough introduction to blockchain technology and its possible effects on our economy. The author makes the case that the blockchain technology that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin has the power to revolutionize a variety of sectors and usher in new business models. Cryptography, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and consensus methods are just a few of the many subjects covered in the book that are connected to blockchain technology. An acknowledged authority in blockchain technology, Daniel Drescher has published several books and scholarly articles on the subject. Moreover, he has given several lectures and workshops on blockchain technology to corporations and governments. This book can help explain the basics of blockchains and its potential impacts on the economy.

  1. “Blockchain technology is a new way of organizing data that eliminates the need for a trusted intermediary to verify transactions.”
  2. “Blockchain technology has the potential to create new business models that were not previously possible.”

our future currency?

Ammous, Saifedean. The Bitcoin Standard. The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, 2018.

            In this book, Saifedean Ammous makes the case that Bitcoin represents a fundamental shift in how money is produced and utilized, not merely a new type of digital cash. He shows why Bitcoin is a better form of money than conventional fiat currencies because to its decentralized architecture, fixed quantity, and incorruptible ledger technology. He contends that Bitcoin can fundamentally alter how we keep and transfer value because, in contrast to fiat currencies, it cannot be manipulated by governments or central banks to further political goals. Saifedean Ammous holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development from Columbia University and works as an economist and professor of economics at the Lebanese American University. He has written academic articles on matters pertaining to monetary economics, and several professionals in the area have given his book favorable reviews. I can use this source to support my thesis and provide strong reasons on future crypto and its benefits in my second body paragraph.

  1. “Bitcoin is the hardest money ever created: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, capable of replacing central banks as monetary regulators, and serving as a nonpolitical alternative to fiat currency.”
  2. “Bitcoin offers a unique solution to a problem that has plagued humans for centuries: how to ensure that money maintains its value over time.”

Angel Mejia

Paul, & Michael. The Age of Cryptocurrency. How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order. St. Martin’s Press. 2015.

            Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey examine the origins and prospects of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in “The Age of Cryptocurrency,” contending that they mark a fundamental change in the way we see money and the economy. The writers go over the economic theories that surround cryptocurrencies, their underlying technology, and the advantages and disadvantages of a decentralized currency system. They look at the difficulties that cryptocurrencies have in their quest for widespread acceptance and credibility in the global economy and The writers who consulted a variety of sources and viewpoints, offer a thorough and fair study of the probable effects of cryptocurrencies on the world economy. “The Age of Cryptocurrency” can be utilized to provide a better understanding of how decentralized currencies can affect the world economy.

  1. “The true value of cryptocurrencies is not just in the money, but in the way they allow people to exchange value and trust each other in a way that is transparent and secure” (p. 217).
  2. “At its core, bitcoin is a way to transfer value without requiring a central authority or intermediary. It is a new kind of decentralized digital currency that is maintained by a network of computers around the world” (p. 3).

“The Once and Future Drug War.” by James Marson et al.

Marson, J., Wernau, J., Luhnow, D. (2022, January 22). The once and future drug war. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from

In the newspaper “The Once and Future Drug War” by James Marson, Julie Wernau, and David Luhnow, published by The Wall Street Journal

on January 22, 2022, the contributors discuss the current state and potential future of drug policy in the United States. Press argues that

despite efforts to shift towards a more compassionate and health-oriented approach to drug use, the United States is still largely pursuing a

punitive approach that disproportionately affects communities of color. He notes that the opioid epidemic has brought about some changes in

how drug addiction is viewed, but that these changes have been slow to take root. The author also explores the role of law enforcement and the

prison-industrial complex in perpetuating the drug war, and suggests that decriminalization and harm reduction strategies could be more

effective in addressing drug-related issues. Ultimately, Press concludes that significant changes to drug policy will require a shift in societal

attitudes towards drug use and addiction, as well as a willingness to address the underlying social and economic issues that contribute to drug


  1. “The drug war has devastated communities of color, criminalized addiction, and contributed to mass incarceration. It has done little to reduce drug use or availability, while creating a host of new problems, such as the spread of HIV and other blood-borne diseases among injection drug users” (Marson et al, 2022).
  2. “The drug war has also undermined public health, by discouraging drug users from seeking medical care and harm reduction services for fear of arrest or punishment. And it has diverted resources away from other pressing public health issues, such as the opioid epidemic and rising rates of overdose deaths” (Marson et al, 2022)