Park, Hyun Joon, Pang, M. Rosemary, Exposure to anti-Black Lives Matter movement and obesity of the Black population. Volume 316, January 2023.

This article talks about Black Lives Matter a social movement that seeks to protect Black people’s safety as well as their right to freely express their culture and identity while also opposing systematic injustice and police violence against Black people. As the BLM movement grew in popularity, rival movements including All Lives Matter. The Black Lives Matter movement has taken action to put its members’ safety first. In addition to using legal observers and support teams to aid and protect demonstrators, this has also involved training and instruction on de-escalation strategies and nonviolent protest tactics.

  1. “Although stances on BLM can be directly queried, individuals may report favorable attitudes due to social desirability bias (Krieger et al., 2005). Alternatively, researchers can assess Black peoples’ perception of stances against BLM”. (Park)
  2. “Assessing stances on BLM through Twitter data can overcome the bias of self-reported measures. The anonymity of Twitter encourages people to express views on race-related issues avoided during real-life interactions”. (Park)

Haddad, Vincent, “Nobody’s Protest Novel”, Vol. 42 (OCTOBER 2018), pp. 40-59.

This Novel talks about how the movement expanded to outside resources. To talk about the movement they created books, movies, etc. to explain how African Americans are being treated by police officers. The importance is they first offer a greater comprehension of the movement’s history and context, including the institutional racism and discrimination that have sparked continuous battles for racial justice and equality. Readers can develop a more detailed knowledge of the issues at hand and the movement’s complexity by digging deeper into this history.

  1. “The Hate U Give represents a high-water mark for an already-rich archive of what we might label BLM novels.1 A fictionalized representation of the precipitating events and formation of BLM, the retrospective quality of this realist novel offers an opportunity to reflect on the novelistic strategies pursued by African American novelists since the murder of Trayvon Martin” (Haddad 40).
  2. “The Hate U Give re-asserts what Saidiya V. Hartman calls the “precariousness of empathy” from 19th-century accounts of racial terror, in which there becomes an “uncertain line between witness and spectator” for the reader, and demonstrates how the direction of empathy all too easily shifts away from victims and towards the perpetrators of state-sanctioned violence”( Haddad 41).

 Elmesky, Rowhea M, Yeakey, Carol Camp, Marcucci, Olivia C. The Power of Resistance: Culture, Ideology and Social Reproduction in Global Contexts. Print 2017.

This book explains the importance of how Social media portrays the Black Lives Matter movement and how it helps many protests in different states. The authors explained that social media plays a big role in helping the movement and bringing attention to the government. Sharing information, films, and images of racial injustice and police brutality on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has increased public awareness of the issue and strengthened the cause. With the support of trending hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter, #SayHerName, and #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd, the movement’s message has been amplified and made more apparent.

  1. “As social media became central to activists’ strategy (Anderson & Hitlin, 2016, p. 16), mainstream media eventually covered the events surrounding Michael Brown’s death as well but this coverage often emphasized the actions of police officers and besmirched Brown’s character. Pushback on social media called for what Candice Norwood (2016) refers to as “authentic representation”. ( Elmesky 101)
  2. “Analysis of the content created by mainstream media outlets is important to the broader sociopolitical context of contemporary American life, a context that is as we will further explore throughout the chapter characterized by anti-Blackness and White supremacy”. (Elmesky 101)

Buchanan, Larry, Bui, Quoctrung, Patel, Jugal K. “Black Lives Matter May Be the Largest Movement in U.S. History”. July 3, 2020.

This Newspaper talks about how The Black Lives Matter movement is expanding around the world and is making a difference.  100,000 people protested to show support for the issue of brutality against African Americans. It has become more widespread, with demonstrations and actions occurring in numerous nations. The movement had its start in the US in 2013 in reaction to George Zimmerman’s acquittal on all charges related to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black teenager.

  1. “On June 6, for example, at least 50,000 people turned out in Philadelphia, 20,000 in Chicago’s Union Park, and up to 10,000 on the Golden Gate Bridge, according to estimates by Edwin Chow, an associate professor at Texas State University, and researchers at the Crowd Counting Consortium”. (Buchanan)
  2. “The protests may also be benefitting from a country that is more conditioned to protesting. The adversarial stance that the Trump administration has taken on issues like guns, climate change, and immigration has led to more protests than under any other presidency since the Cold War”. (Buchanan)

 Alfred, Mary V. Race and the politics of exclusion: The socio-historical contexts of Black brutality and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement. 12 September 2021.

This article talks about how African Americans are facing brutality in our injustice system and it’s been an ongoing fight for racial justice in America. Also explains there was more history before the Black Lives Matter movement Beginning with Plessy V Ferguson or the Jim Crows Laws. Which from the late 19th century to the middle of the 1960s, the Jim Crow laws were a system of state and local legislation in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against Black people. The laws bear the name of a prominent minstrel show character from the 19th century who personified derogatory stereotypes about Black people.

  1. “The movement gained further prominence on a national and global scale with the police killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Floyd’s death resulted from asphyxiation when a White officer remained kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, ignoring his cries that he could not breathe”. (Alfred)
  2. “While the underlying philosophies of the BLM movement represent the lives of other demographic groups who have suffered oppression, dehumanization, and deserve attention, Issar (2020) unapologetically emphasized that the focus of BLM is on the lives of Black people to raise attention and rally the cry for help from allies to stop the criminalization, oppression, and annihilation” (Alfred).

Clare, Rod. Black Lives Matter The Black Lives Matter Movement in the National Museum of African American History and Culture. (2016) (Vol. 6, Issue 1)

This Article Talks about the History of the Black Lives Matter movement and how it’s really historical and brings awareness to the world. To build a society that respects and cherishes the lives of Black people, it is essential that people are aware of the Black Lives Matter movement. People need to be aware of the history of systematic racism and oppression that produced the current racial injustice and inequality.

  1. “The fact that the BLM movement is so new gives rise to concerns that the museum is collecting material that is too recent, topical, and potentially controversial. Nevertheless, as the director of the NMAAHC, Lonnie Bunch has made clear, collecting and promoting such material helps “people to realize… that these are not isolated moments”. (Rod)
  2. “BLM’s direct genesis came as a result of the not-guilty verdict against George Zimmerman, who stalked and killed Trayvon Martin, a seventeen-year-old black youth who Zimmerman thought was in the wrong part of town in Sanford, Florida. Three black women (Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi), all activists in the African-American community, viewed the verdict with shock, anger, and an underlying belief that something had to be done”. (Rod)

Patterson, Robert J. Between Protest and Politics: Black Lives Matter Movements for Black Lives Matter.

The author Robert J. explains the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement and how ​​it is significant because it works to draw attention to the systematic racism and brutality that Black people experience on a daily basis and to demand that those responsible for that violence be held accountable. There were also many goals that the movement achieved and everyone in the world saw the outstanding change they were doing in the community. The world has been motivated by the effort to unite and promote racial fairness and equality. It has also sparked significant debates and modifications to laws and policies.

  1. “Most movements as we know them (historically and through historiography) have evolved since they began. The history of BLM is yet forming; its fullness, complexity, and nuance have yet to be fully written. That the Black Lives Matter slogan entered the sociopolitical cultural milieu in August 2014 by way of a Twitter hashtag bears consideration here too”(Patterson).
  2. “BLM affirms the humanity and value inherent in black life through its consciousness-raising and, like the Black Panther Party’s ten-point program, outlines specific areas for intervention, including housing (tenant organizations), education (free lunch and literacy programs), and healthcare (mobile clinics for black people) (Elder 2016)”(Patterson).