Shalit, Wendy. A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue

Shalit, Wendy. A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue. Touchstone, 1999.

This book by Wendy Shalit argues that the feminist movement’s emphasis on sexual liberation has had a negative impact on women, and that a return to traditional values of modesty and sexual restraint could benefit both women and society as a whole. Shalit graduated from Williams College with a degree in Philosophy and has also studied at Cambridge University in England. She draws on a range of sources, including philosophy, literature, and psychology, to support her arguments and provide evidence for her claims. Her book is a valuable resource for my research paper since it provides direct evidence in support of my thesis that modesty has positive social and cultural implications. 

  • “It is only by recognizing the importance of modesty that we can hope to create a world in which women and men are treated with respect and dignity.”(239) 
  • “Modesty, properly understood, is not about shame or self-denial. It is about a healthy and appropriate expression of sexuality.” (6)
  • “The message of modesty is that sexuality is not the only or even the most important aspect of our identity. We are more than our sexual desires, and we should strive to express ourselves in a way that reflects our full humanity.” (40)

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