Ferré-sadurní, Luis, and Grace Ashford. “New York Tightens Its Strict Gun Laws in Democratic Show of Force.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 June 2022,
This article talks about the states of New York taking the necessary steps in gun control after the mass shooting in Buffalo that left ten people dead. The guy that committed the mass shooting was an 18-year-old who had a semi-automatic rifle and was wearing body armor. This protected him with his body armor and gave him incredible power with his rifle. The article also states that he purchased the gun legally, even though there were a lot of red flags on his computer which hinted at the mass shooting, so the response to the shooting, New York state has passed several gun control laws, including raising the age for purchasing a rifle to 21, banning the sale of body armors to civilians and introducing a red flag law, New York also passed a law that micro stamps bullets to trace who fired them, Overall this is a great move in the right direction for gun control laws. Still, I wish these laws were passed earlier. This is a really important article showing proof of gun violence and mass shootings happening even when the gun is bought legally and that’s because our background checks and gun control are not strong enough, this would play a huge role in supporting my argument of the need for more thorough background checks.
- The State Legislature passed a broad package of gun bills that will raise the minimum age to buy a semiautomatic rifle to 21, ban most civilians from purchasing bullet-resistant body vests and revise the state’s so-called red flag laws (Ferré-sadurní and Ashford)
- New York will now become the second state, following California, to pass legislation paving the way for the “microstamping” of shell cases with a unique alphanumeric code in order to trace the bullet back to the gun it was fired from. (Ferré-sadurní and Ashford)