Biden Joe. “How Much More Carnage Are We Willing To Accept? This Isn’t about Taking Away Anyone’s Rights. It’s about Protecting Our Freedoms to Go to School, to a Grocery Store, and to a Church without Being Shot and Killed.” Vital Speeches of the Day, vol. 88, no. 9, Sept. 2022, pp. 207–10. EBSCOhost,
This Journal speaks about the possible steps we can take to help with mass shootings and how we can slow down their occurrence of them or completely eliminate mass shootings in the United States. President Biden first starts by stating how a public school in Uvalde, Texas, looks like a battlefield with a lot of innocent students and teachers killed because of someone who decided to buy an assault rifle and go shoot students and teachers in a school, Biden then goes on to explain how if we give kids mental help and have more school counseling some of the students wouldn’t decide to commit any mass shootings at all, but then Biden states the most important part which is what we should do with our gun Laws He states that automatic guns were banned in the past, and we are still a free country. It didn’t affect us in a bad way at all, so he states that the best thing we can do is banned the sales of assault rifles and high-capacity magazines because we don’t need high-capacity magazines, and if anything, most people that use high-capacity magazines use them for mass shootings, another suggestion he made was to raise the age for buying a gun from 18 to 21 because people become more mature at 21 and another solution was to remove immunity from gun sellers and manufacturers because that would make them be extra careful of who they are selling to since they will be held liable for it, Overall president Biden makes some great points, and these will definitely help slow down mass shooting in the United States. This journal plays a huge role regarding my topic because it connects the sales of semi-automatic assault rifles to the rate of gun violence and mass shooting which support making strict gun control laws.
- Nine categories of semi- automatic weapons were included in that ban, like AK-47s and AR-15s. And in the 10 years it was law, mass shootings went down. But after Republicans let the law expire in 2004 and those weapons were allowed to
be sold again, mass shootings tripled. Those are the facts. (Biden) - According to new data just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, guns are the number one killer of children in the United States of America. The number one killer. More than car accidents. More than cancer. (Biden)