Park, Hyun Joon, Pang, M. Rosemary, Exposure to anti-Black Lives Matter movement and obesity of the Black population. Volume 316, January 2023.

This article talks about Black Lives Matter a social movement that seeks to protect Black people’s safety as well as their right to freely express their culture and identity while also opposing systematic injustice and police violence against Black people. As the BLM movement grew in popularity, rival movements including All Lives Matter. The Black Lives Matter movement has taken action to put its members’ safety first. In addition to using legal observers and support teams to aid and protect demonstrators, this has also involved training and instruction on de-escalation strategies and nonviolent protest tactics.

  1. “Although stances on BLM can be directly queried, individuals may report favorable attitudes due to social desirability bias (Krieger et al., 2005). Alternatively, researchers can assess Black peoples’ perception of stances against BLM”. (Park)
  2. “Assessing stances on BLM through Twitter data can overcome the bias of self-reported measures. The anonymity of Twitter encourages people to express views on race-related issues avoided during real-life interactions”. (Park)

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