Alfred, Mary V. Race and the politics of exclusion: The socio-historical contexts of Black brutality and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement. 12 September 2021.

This article talks about how African Americans are facing brutality in our injustice system and it’s been an ongoing fight for racial justice in America. Also explains there was more history before the Black Lives Matter movement Beginning with Plessy V Ferguson or the Jim Crows Laws. Which from the late 19th century to the middle of the 1960s, the Jim Crow laws were a system of state and local legislation in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against Black people. The laws bear the name of a prominent minstrel show character from the 19th century who personified derogatory stereotypes about Black people.

  1. “The movement gained further prominence on a national and global scale with the police killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Floyd’s death resulted from asphyxiation when a White officer remained kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, ignoring his cries that he could not breathe”. (Alfred)
  2. “While the underlying philosophies of the BLM movement represent the lives of other demographic groups who have suffered oppression, dehumanization, and deserve attention, Issar (2020) unapologetically emphasized that the focus of BLM is on the lives of Black people to raise attention and rally the cry for help from allies to stop the criminalization, oppression, and annihilation” (Alfred).

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